You think you’ve got something over
some kinda thing over me
well there’s gonna come a day
when I can leave it all behind if you’d open up your eyes you’d see
that doing all the stupid things that you do
means there’s gonna come a day
when you’re gonna fade away
and it’s gonna come around on you
you’ll be crying
slowly dying
when the day comes creeping up on you
there will be a day when you won’t believe it’s true
it’s gonna come around on you
One, two, three Well, John Henry was a little baby Sittin' on his dady's knee…
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Wake up and live Wake up and live your life see what there is to…
[K. Vanderhoof] It's more than understanding, to realize just what it means Interpretations, different meanings,…
Now Will it ever be the same... again? And will it ever feel right? A…
[part 1 - Wilson / part 2 (instrumental) - Barbieri, Edwin, Maitland, Wilson] You think…