Just why do I want you baby
Anyone but a fool would let it be
Go on anywhere you take me
I don’t want to know what’s pulling me
If I fall so deep
With my eyes so wide
Then I hope that feeling isn
I got the drip runnin into my arm got me fillin up on fluid like…
Never thought I'll feel again, feel the darkness fade and see the morning sun arise…
close your spine till you're a ball tihs is a good way to break off…
Eğer bir zerreysem senin gözünde Dağ gibi yüceyim yıldıramazsın Deniz derya isem şu yeryüzünde Beni…
Hey Yolngu Boy Under the neon light Hey Yolngu Boy Under the neon light Come…
Johnny's trapping stars in his car With the radio on In the parking lot Lily…