I’ll never grow up, I won’t try
I can live with that, don’t ask why
I am resigned that this is me
If I can take it, why can’t she?
I am bad at my best, but she will not accept that
I can’t get away with things I might regret
She makes me get started when nothing’s ever through
And I do the best that I can do but
Mimi gets mad when I make her wait
Mimi gets mad when I phone too late
But then Mimi gets sad if I hurt myself
Can’t say that about nobody else
Someone should tell her honestly
She is a fool to count on me
I swore there would be no delay
I should have been here yesterday
So I sneak in the door and there she is again
She could squeeze off a shot just as soon as look at me
She don’t say a word and every word is true
And if that’s the best that I can do then
Mimi gets mad every time I’m wrong
Mimi gets mad when I sleep too long
But then Mimi gets glad when I do my share
See no smile but I know it’s there
There must be a dozen other boys
She could give her anger to
I’m the only one, it doesn’t matter what I do
It’s not very pretty but it’s absolutely true
That I’m still the best that she can do so
Mimi gets mad
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