© Hazel O`Connor
Did she wake up cold and alone
Hoping someone might phone
Did she crawl out of bed, scratch her head
Look in the mirror and think she was dead
Who will care? Who will care?
Did she thrown on her clothes and
Walk slowly to the door
Go into town hoping to score
Did she find her a man who said he’d give her all he can
And when that’s not enough then life starts to get tough
Who will care? Who will care?
Did she die in the cold
Was she scared to be old
Nobody knows where and old loner goes
At the end of the line
And on one grey day some children at play
Saw her dead body, thought it was funny
Oh look at that lady on the ground fast asleep
Nobody knew her so nobody weeps
Who will care? Who will care?
Did she die in the cold
Was she scared to be old
Nobody knows where and old loner goes
At the end of the line
Did she? Did she? Who was she?
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