Who’s gonna tell me when I’m ready to go out and do
The things that I know you want me to do
Who’s gonna tell me when I’m old enough or smart enough
Whatever makes the difference to you
Maybe I’m not ready
I’ll live my life for you
It doesn’t matter what I gotta do
I’ll gladly give my life for you
‘Cause I know that you love me and I’m so in love with you
As long as you’re with me and I’m with you
Together there ain’t nothing we can’t do
Who’s gonna tell me when I’ve grown enough to fill the shoes
That my heart tells me you want me to wear
When will I know when I’m old enough or smart enough
Does anybody really even care
Maybe I’m not ready
When will I be ready
Father I love you and it’s okay with me
If you take my life and use it as you please
I don’t have a lot to offer you but this one thing I know is true
If you’re with me then I’m with you
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