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Hep ama hep çagirdim… Uykularima
Murdem Yas Lahoya, Lahoya
Murdem Yas Lahoya
Ruhunda yaktim bedenimi
Tarihlere ufuklar açtim
Dalinda tuttum gözlerimi
Yapragina serbetler akittim
Çagirdim seni yatagima
Hep ama hep çagirdim… Uyanislarima
Murdem Yas Lahoya, Lahoya
Murdem Yas Lahoya
Çagirdim seni dudagima
Hep ama hep çagirdim… Mahrem yanlarima
Murdem Yas Lahoya, Lahoya
Murdem Yas Lahoya
Murdem Yas Lahoya, Murdem Yas Lahoya
Murdem Yas Lahoya, Murdem Yas Lahoya
Ardindan baktim dünyaya
Isiklar evimi gelinliginle kapattim 😀
[Cover : Thin Lizzy] [Dedicated To : Phil Lynott (RIP)] I put my money in…
If you're not busy for the next few days, come along with me & throw…
[Kid]: We are willin to work your body Now we are ready if you are…
Another broken dream Another memory fades into the night I can't survive without you here.…
How can you fairly assess something from the outside looking in? Majority of the time…
something has come between me and the world that knew what I thought would last…