cannot understand why you’re doing this i cope i know but you must know it’s not all about me or jealousy i had i do care could’ve destroyed a time ago don’t take you for a fool but you’re rushing things and do i stand by while you don’t listen i don’t care you can do what you want the mental pictures i had of you were always more than this what he doesn’t know could still hurt him so i choose to wish you on your way but please just be someone just for me as i want my peace pleased to see this place you’re after why do i feel like i don’t belong
Wishing It Was Beauty and grace is what touches me most Good times can put…
Yeah I yes..I I love you I know I hurt you so I´m empty and…
Need on my left, greed on my tight Secrets are kept plain as black and…
The dark force inside my heart Awaits the day when screams are heard The vampire…
Verse 1; Sansar Salvo yerinde duramayan adam Bir çok denyo tarafından her anlamda kovalanan Mücadele…
blast off, blast off to nowhere blast off ... this time to go blast off,…