Rock of Ages let our song praise your saving power;
You amid the raging foes,
Were our sheltering tower
Furious they assailed us,
But your arm availed us,
And your word broke their sword,
When our own strength failed us.
And your word broke their sword,
When our own strength failed us.
Children of the Macccabees (sp?)
Whether free or fettered
Wake the echoes of the songs
Where you may be scattered
Yours the message cheering
That the time is nearing
Which will see-all men free
And tyrants disappearing
Which will see-all men free
Tyrants disappearing
Vanilla Ice Cream - Stephen Lynch Have a seat and listen, please don't say a…
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Never had no luck never had no dreams at all Never had a reason To…
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Scribe and ali and yea we still together through the stormiest weather its been along…
My father married a pure Cherokee My mother's people were ashamed of me The Indians…