It’s an old-fashioned idea,
marryin’ for love!
and that old-fashioned idea’s
what I’m thinkin’ of!
Where there’s love, poets have said,
two can live as one!
That’s an old-fashioned idea,
but it’s bein’ done!
If she must have gold, let it be in her hair,
rubes, let ’em be in her lips,
diamonds, let ’em shine in her eyes!
Just an old-fashioned romance,
with the moon above,
a romance, one that will end,
marryin’ for love
that’s the kind of love
that I’m thinking of!
If she must have gold, let it be in her hair,
rubes, let ’em be in her lips,
diamonds, let ’em shine in her eyes!
Just an old-fashioned romance,
with the moon above,
a romance, one that will end,
marryin’ for love
that’s the kind of love
that I’m thinking of!
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