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senle veya sensiz
The one and only liar lost his faith and cried where the broekn candles burn…
It's all a matter of soul and fire Infatuation or true desire The thrill of…
[Monoxide Child] Psychopathic Twiztid and Blaze running with a motherfucking hatchet And only the Three-6…
I'm on the line. I'm on the line. Once I clean my mirror. I'm a…
wuhtchu doiin?? bullshettiin *Chris Brown* niigguh y u mad? u kno we bullshettiin ii liike…
Dostlara sorsanız ermiş veliyiz Düşmana sorsanız onmaz deliyiz Adınız ne diye sormayın bize Alparslan türkeş'in…