Down in the willow garden, me and my love did meet
And as we sat a-courting, my love fell off to sleep
I had a bottle of burgundy wine; my love, she did not know
And so I poisoned that dear little girl along the banks below
Along the banks below
I drew my saber through her; it was a bloody night
I threw her in the river, which was a dreadful sight
My father often told me that money would set me free
And so I murdered that dear little girl whose name was Rose Connelly
Whose name was Rose Connelly
My father sits at his cabin door wiping his tear-dimmed eyes
His only son soon should walk to yonder scaffold high
My race is run beneath the sun; the scaffold now waits for me
For I did murder that dear little girl whose name was Rose Connelly
Whose name was Rose Connelly
Whose name was Rose Connelly
Hail Mary mother of God Never False religion man made religion you will die by…
Alaydım elin elime Alaydım elin elime Varaydım baban evine Kurbanam dudu diline Kurbanın olam yar…
Tiger eyes Just as wild as you make me feel Tantalize Make my designs hard…
[sound clip: I hope you like these tunes that I?ve chosen to do for ya…
bütün mevsimler tutsak düşse de yangına, her bahar dicle'yi emzirir dağlar bahar, dicle'nin dağları kucakladığı…
I don't have a lot to give This broken world can make it hard to…