Fallen is Babylon all nation have drunk of her passion
Fallen is Babylon right now
Come out of her oh people unless you want to share her plagues
Listen to me now come out of her Jah Jah people in your minds
Unless you wanna partake of her sins look what you doing man
Fallen is Babylon all nation have drunk of her passion
Fallen is Babylon right now
Welcome Jah in your new name we’re singing we glorify not in vain
Tell you what mysteries dead and reality claims
I mean built over many years gone in day take it now
Fallen is Babylon all nation have drunk of her passion Babylon is falling down
Fallen is Babylon right now so much heart broken so much sufferation
After this I saw another angel trod down from Zion
With great authority given to him
The Earth was lit up with his glory at teh top of his voice he shouted
Babylon has fallen Babylon the great has fallen
Whore of this whoel world so much sorrow she gave to many many many like you and
Oh so tempting just like a beautiful thing
But I just can’t let myself be let myself be a next victim no no no no no
Fallen is Babylon all nation have drunk her passion
Fallen is Babylon right now right now
Babylon system is a system that exists for centuries centuries
Still run by the same mentality that runs it still here to do the same thing
they’ve done
Conquer the poor and oppress the under privileged we got to stop that
Babylon oh Babylon
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