do you think about when you’re going to die?
I think about it all the time
I watch the days and I walk the line
I wonder when I’m gonna get mine
I knew at an early age
there was no need to be afraid
there was nothing I could change
I was gonna go out strange
going out
going out
going out strange
going out
going out
going out of range
going out
going out
going out strange
going out
going out
going out of range
when you know you really know
when it shows it really shows
people say “look at that boy he’s going insane”
look ma, no plans, I’m going out strange
going out
going out
going out strange
going out
going out
going out of range
going out
going out
going out strange
going out
going out
going out of range
bullet brain, go insane
gone away, not afraid
horror mind, terror mind
paranoid, feeling fine
going out
going out
going out strange
going out
going out
going out of range
going out
going out
going out strange
going out
going out
going out of range
going out strange
going out strange
going out strange
one of these days
I don’t care
going out
going out
going out
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