Race with the wind
The night is ending
They will win
when the sun is rising
Stories have been told for years about the rebel man
riding in the lands of unknown
No one has ever seen their furious beings
and their secret remains untold
Their deeds shall be heard
Their legend will live forever
They are the Guardians Of Fate
As they shouted their last battle cries their destiny was to be dead
Their future was in no one’s hands like the prophet of the moon had said
Those who travelled far away from home, they’ll never return
and those who crossed the seas of hope, they all will burn
Back to school in Woolworth's clothes Now your mummy's dream Right inside her price range…
flames of hate - gates of love the good decays when he arrives halls of…
With you it's always lies, lies, lies I know that you have lied to me…
I was down, nowhere bound Needed love, any love Something new, breezy and bashful but…
Seninle durmak olmaz Yanından gitmek olmaz Bu telaş bu yangında Dondum öyle kaldımda Ne bu…