We always try to be so honest but we’re so serious
We have an understanding but that can’t carry soul far enough
Green flag is rising and baby green means go
New world on the horizon
And who deserves the love more than you
More than me
Both of us
Can’t you see
Everywhere I look I see people waking up
So why are we still sleeping
Everywhere I look I see people shaking off all the old ways
So why can’t we follow through
What we believe has got to be more than the words of our friends
Honey I love the life but I’d fight for our world not to end
Green flag is rising and baby green means go
There’s something on the horizon
And who deserves to know more than you
More than me
All of us
Can’t you see
Everywhere I look I see people waking up
So why are we still sleeping
Everywhere I look I see people shaking off all the old ways
So why can’t we follow through
hey whatcha doin? with that gun in your hand? now who ya skrewin? gonna kill…
You got me like that, you're what I'm craving you got me like that, you…
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