Let’s be pretentious
Be something we’re not
And we’ll jump on the bandwagon
Cause we think it is hot
And we’ll shake our new wave asses
It’s the thing to do until we can’t think or breathe
Let’s be dramatic
Prescriptions for pills
Then we
Menekşe gözler hülyalı, Bakışları çok manâlı. Gönül yakıcı o gözler Meğer ezelden sevdalı. Gel etme…
Your cheatin' heart will make you weep you'll cry and cry you'll try to sleep…
Ne çıkar bahtımızda ayrılık varsa yarın; Sanma ki hikayesi şu titreyen dalların, Düşen yaprakla biter;…
Enter the room softly with hidden wings Saying you talk strange things I don't understand…
Written by: Rodgers/Hart I laughed at sweethearts I met at schools All indiscreet hearts Seemed…
Moje życie daleko gdzieś moje życie odchodzi w dal Matka z ojcem nie kupią mi…