Let’s be pretentious
Be something we’re not
And we’ll jump on the bandwagon
Cause we think it is hot
And we’ll shake our new wave asses
It’s the thing to do until we can’t think or breathe
Let’s be dramatic
Prescriptions for pills
Then we
Mic check Can you hear me? Gotta know if I'm coming in clearly Static through…
A.p.o Verse 2 kafam var 2si de kel 2si fazla ona birisini ver ölüsünü kaldır…
Early morning with a sigh She opens both her eyes Praying for a safe return…
(with N Sync) You'll never know, what you've done for me What your faith in…
God knows you ain't pretty, God knows it's true. God knows there ain't anybody Ever…
Düştüm ince maraza yansın yüreğim yansın ben istemişim seni de vermeyenler utansın Sarılsam da olmayi…