If I could go anywhere today
I’d go to your house and
we’d play our music really loud
and piss off all your neighbors
You’d look so perfect in my arms
but your stuck to his
Thank you California
for bringing me the
best thing in my life
She speaks but says nothing
and this hole in my heart
has been filled.
If I could be anyone today
I’d be the perfect boy for you
I’d do anything you wanted me to
but he’s my only obstacle
the one thing keeping me from you.
Let me show you what its like
to have someone that will hold you
in their arms and will never let you go.
Would it be alright if I came over
and stole you away from the east
and brought you home out west
a place you know so well.
A place that was gracious enough
to bring you to me.
Küçüksün yavrum bilmezsin yavrum Dünyanın bin türli hali var Büyürsün bir gün, görürsün o gün…
Your evil eyes with your glass shaped prize You smell of smoke with your dirty…
Shame on the rain for making me twice as blue It's raining in my heart…
I stick loneliness, your lips and the two coins of your eyes into my pockets…
Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
Urfa Diyarbakır gezdim Hele hele yar yar 32 sancak saydım Hele hele yar yar Neslihan…