Another war has begun, the warrior is ready to fight to prove his
honor and worth, riding his horse with all his might.
He got the bravery and rage, battlefield becomes his pride.
He waits The Chooser of Slain, yearning for the final ride.
Oh Valkyry, take me to Valhalla.
Fair Lady, let me stare your icy blue eyes.
Oh Valkyry, take me to Valhalla.
Young Maiden, lift me out of Midgard.
In the name of my father, Odin, I will die gloriously like a hero.
Near by Asgard I want to be.
The colors of Bifrost I want to see.
Another war has begun, take my spirit in your flying horse if you deem
me the one to join the heroes of countless wars.
I’ve proved bravery and rage, battlefield becomes my pride.
I wish the glory of the Slain, yearning for the final ride.
Oh Valkyry, take me to Valhalla.
Fair Lady, let me stare your icy blue eyes.
Oh Valkyry, take me to Valhalla.
Young Maiden, lift me out of Midgard.
Near by Asgard I want to be.
The colors of Bifrost I want to see.
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