If he wants to have a little fun with friends let him have it
If he needs a little money he can spend let him have it
But if you find his friends are the kind that wear the mini skirts and peroxide hair
And you sense a little bitty hanky panky there let him have it
Every man’s gotta have a little bit of freedom
But when some see opportunity they’re gonna grab it
The only way to make him know he really doesn’t need ’em
Is when you know it’s love when he’s thinking of let him have it
If he needs to have a little time to think let him have it
While he has himself a little social drink let him have it
But when he comes home and later on you find
That he tells you there was something on his mind
And she left some lipstick on the shirt you ironed let him have it
Well every man’s gotta have…
Oh when you know it’s love when he’s thinking of let him have it
Oh when you know it’s love when he’s thinking of let him have it
I must thank Lord In my hour of need I?ve given way to a better…
We gonna do something different yall on this song because/Me and my mama was watching…
Menekşe gözler hülyalı, Bakışları çok manâlı. Gönül yakıcı o gözler Meğer ezelden sevdalı. Gel etme…
Your cheatin' heart will make you weep you'll cry and cry you'll try to sleep…
Ne çıkar bahtımızda ayrılık varsa yarın; Sanma ki hikayesi şu titreyen dalların, Düşen yaprakla biter;…
Enter the room softly with hidden wings Saying you talk strange things I don't understand…