Love, look at the two of us
Strangers in many ways
We’ve got a lifetime to share
So much to say and as we go on from day to day
I’ll feel you close to me
But time alone will tell
Let’s take a lifetime to say
I knew you well
For only time will tell us so
And love may grow for all we know
Love, look at the two of us
Strangers in many ways
Let’s take a lifetime to say
I know you well
But only time will tell us so
And love may grow for all we know
will you miss me my dear and my wild wiLd hair maybe love is underwater…
We exist to destroy, fuck you all Fuck you all This prophecy unfolding, We have…
I don't think you realize the way things really are Play with fire, burn yourself,…
12 sau paulo rain there's always a party on funeral row, where the cross flashes…
Sevde gör yalnızlığı Sevde gör mutsuzluğu Sevde gör sevde gör Gurbet nedir hasret nedir Çile…
Long legged shadows, Mississippi sunset She was standing like a candle that hadn't been burned…