See the famouse lung girl,
They call her Helen Lyle,
Life’s a respirator when you got the sinner style,
She float out on the midway,
She wrangle at the show,
Life’s a revelation wherever you go,
Together we fly,
Together we fall,
Together we all see,
The Death Of It All,
See what’s in the trailer,
Count up all the holes,
Bullets and the movies never tell the whole,
Now Clyde was a lover,
And Bonnie was a queen,
They set their sights for Texas and never left the scene,
See the horrifying,
Beast behind the bars,
Watch the transformation the monster is a star,
Out steps a beauty,
Now watch her walk away,
Another grand illusion if you wanna pay,
[Chorus x2]
I believe If you give A little bit of love To those you live with…
Music by Elton John Lyrics by Bernie Taupin You can take her Make her change…
Aman mor koyun meler gelir Haydi de mor koyun meler gelir Aman dağları deler gelir…
The Black Cloud gathers smothers my Brain As i cry another tear in this struggle…
[Originally released in 1992 on the demo album "Wrath of the Tyrant".] [Lyrics by Mortiis.]…
I read her letters And I saw her picture And I smelled her cheap perfume,…