What time is it?
Four thirty
It’s not late, naw, naw,
Just early, early, early
President, he sweat through his talcum
News paper man, he watch like a falcon
“Ah, look…daddy-o…sorry, Mr. President…where ya been?”
Use a little english to doctor the spin
What time is it?
Four thirty
It’s not late, naw, naw,
just early, early, early
It’s my bread and butter
Ain’t got no other
It’s on the TV
The spin’s on me…
Ayatollah, he’s hopping mad
Jibber about some damn jihad
Send me back to old Baghdad
Spin Doctor its oh so sad
What time is it?
Four thirty
It’s not late, naw, naw,
Just early, early, early
It’s my bread and butter
Ain’t got no other
It’s on the TV
The spin’s on me…
I wanna be dirty cuz i don't about the clothes I wear I'll be dirty…
In the movement of the waves Feel the rushing of the wind You're in everything…
dostuna gücendiğin, kavgalara üşendiğin, kendine razı olduğun gün, o gün dolar, dolar zaman gündüze usandığın,…
my heartstrings cease to strain i've aquired a taste for poisoned lips drank deep of…
feel my body Full of joy and life My spirit is strong But this is…