Summoning the power of his spear
ALLfather opens the gates
To the temple of Poseidon’s tears
Where Triton’s slayer waits
As the thunder god brings down the storm
Fighting at his father’s side
Poseidon returns to Atland’s shores
To avenge his son’s demise
Holy gods defy the beast of fear
Now the old one’s magik fades
Conjuring their spells the Norns appear
Banishment Cthulu’s fate
As the thunder god brings down the storm
Odin’s magik fills the night
Poseidon returns to Atland’s shores
To open the sacred eye
As the Norns pronounce the fate of war
Cthulu cast through the eye
By Odin’s command the mighty Thor
Does remold Midgard back to life
We exist to destroy, fuck you all Fuck you all This prophecy unfolding, We have…
I don't think you realize the way things really are Play with fire, burn yourself,…
12 sau paulo rain there's always a party on funeral row, where the cross flashes…
Sevde gör yalnızlığı Sevde gör mutsuzluğu Sevde gör sevde gör Gurbet nedir hasret nedir Çile…
Long legged shadows, Mississippi sunset She was standing like a candle that hadn't been burned…
Love my niggaz, but wheres my bitches? I love my niggaz, but wheres my bitches?…