That’s it that’s the last straw
You’ve tried so many times and i havent declared war
I’m sick of your foolish attack, devil
So step back I’m on a one way track, devil
To take back all the things that you’ve stolen
No withholdin I’m rollin and with the scriptures unfolding
That your time is near
and wit the power of God I’m gonna persevere
So go ahead and try to turn up the heat
‘Cause with my sword drawn you’re gonna feel defeat
The seat occupied to the right of my God
Is the reason why I’ve got my feet shod
The Word of life in the form of three
Is given to me as artillery to use
To abuse and bruise you
leave you standing in a daze wondering who’s who
You chose to be defeated or to be disarmed
Anyway you want it we’re gonna bring you harm
In this battle only strong survive I know where i stand
And who’s by my side
He’s the tower of strength and the pillar
To a hardened heart He’s the tiller
No scrilla can entice me to stay off your tail
I’m gonna keep fighting til God prevails
Cause the alarm has been rung
The victory dance has been done
the praise to God has been sung
The battle’s over and GUESS WHO’S WON
I'd say love was a magical flame I'd say love would keep us from pain…
cannot understand why you're doing this i cope i know but you must know it's…
I wanna be dirty cuz i don't about the clothes I wear I'll be dirty…
In the movement of the waves Feel the rushing of the wind You're in everything…
dostuna gücendiğin, kavgalara üşendiğin, kendine razı olduğun gün, o gün dolar, dolar zaman gündüze usandığın,…
my heartstrings cease to strain i've aquired a taste for poisoned lips drank deep of…