Standing here in front of you
You never looked so beautiful
With every breath you steal my words away
It’s like seeing you the first time
Yeah that’s the way I feel tonight
In you I’ve found a place I wanna stay
Wish I could freeze you in this moment like a photograph
You’re the life I always wanted but never dreamed I could have
It’s so easy loving you
To trust you with my heart
There’s nothing else I wanna do
It’s so easy loving you
With you I feel I could touch the sky
I don’t have to climb that high
To see that you’re the better part of me
Wish I could freeze a moment and take you away
To a place somewhere only we could be
It’s so easy loving you
To trust you with my heart
There’s nothing else I wanna do
Just being next to you
You’re the final piece that fits
You’re the smile I can’t resist
For everything you brought me through and everything you’ll ever do
It’s so easy loving you
I’m not searching or hoping for anything new
There’s nobody could love me the way that you do
It’s so easy loving you
To trust you with my heart
There’s nothing else I wanna do
Just being next to you
You’re the final piece that fits
You’re the smile I can’t resist
For everything you brought me through and everything you’ll ever do
It’s so easy loving you
It’s so easy loving you
You make it easy loving you
It’s so easy loving you
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