The dawn of springtime gave birth to a new love
For you and me that it was born too late
For we both have been placed in the arms of others cheated by the cold hands of fate
Fate has no conscience no mercy for me and you
And the cold hand of fate wrote the book of who loves who
So let the snow of the winter cover our love
And for the sense of misfortune we’ll pay
But we know in our hearts this love will live forever cheated by the cold hands of fate
And fate has no conscience…
She said let go, goodbye So pathetic yet it seems so right yet it seems…
The way you dance You move in self romance And you don't see me watch…
Hayıtlı'dan çıktımda imanım İndim vardım olukluya Olukluda üç can da kıydım Hemen döndüm ardıma Bir…
Bir yar için seni terkedip gittim Vicdanıma bir sor ne acı çektim Kendimi ben sana…
Seni sevdiğim için naz edip kaçıyorsun Sevgilim kalp yerine bir taşmı taşıyorsun Gül senin devran…