I wanna sing a little song for you all
And make you sing for your supper
There’s a lesson to be learned from this
As you’ll soon discover
Way before I came to rule this place
I was king of an island
I only needed someone else to rule
Now my mind is an island
Stocking up on all the guns I can find
Now my home is my castle
If anybody comes around my door
They’re gonna leave in a hurry
One hand in the air
Repeat after me
This is home it’s where I’m living
Food and shelter for free
Now they want us to steal for them
Now the national anthem
Satellites up in the sky
Pulled down to the ground
I was king of an island
Now my mind is an island
There’s people coming in
From miles around
They heard about my little island
They do everything I want them to
When my mind is an island
I start to drift away
I hear the music play
Wish I could say that I like it
But it’s never on my island
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