I’ve been staring out the window of our favorite late night bar
Where the neon shines in every womans eyes I guess I’ll line em’ up
once more
Your memory I’ll try to drown tonight
For what it means to you she means nothing to me
Why I risked all I ever loved at all is a mystery
Finding me took losing you I’m holding out to the bitter end
For what it means to you she means nothing to me
Thought out of mind was out of sight
She caught me late one Friday night
With a brown eyed queen in tight fittin’ jeans who said she’d
Show me the light
The love we knew I never thought would die
For what it means to you she means nothing to me
Why I risked all I ever loved at all is a mystery
Finding me took losing you I’m holding out to the bitter end
For what it means to you she means nothing to me
I won't ever get used to this A blank spot temptations do resist. The other…
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Bella was bored to death at South Beach, Not one celebrity spotted in days She…
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