(Content we’ll be if we will choose his way)
What God has done is not a hidden secret
Our eyes behold his glory day by day
Our hearts may feel his presence close beside us
Content we’ll be if we will choose his way
Great are the words of God the great creator
Great is the work done by his mighty hand
In heaven or earth there’s no one who is greater
And in his love forever we shall stand
His is a tune to hear the pain just disperse
His heart is overflowing now with love
His eyes are heavens searching longing for us
And with his hands he beckons from above
Great are the words of God the great creator…
Vanilla Ice Cream - Stephen Lynch Have a seat and listen, please don't say a…
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Never had no luck never had no dreams at all Never had a reason To…
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Scribe and ali and yea we still together through the stormiest weather its been along…
My father married a pure Cherokee My mother's people were ashamed of me The Indians…