I’ve been running
For oh so long
There’s a light that guides you
I don’t see
Catch some light
Reflect it down on me
Show me where it all went wrong
And then leave
So that I can be alone
I’ve been running
For oh so long
There’s a light that guides you
I can’t see
Gives you life
While shadows take from me
Cos I believed you when you lied
Now it’s fear that will keep you
In your life
So hush
Don’t you say the word
Cos I saw
It coming first
Regret is all that you deserve
Your lies are bad
The truth is worse
One day there’ll come a time
When your questions have all dried up
And chance can come back
Into your life
Till then I know that it’s all been a waste
I know that all that I feel is a waste
I know that all that I feel is a waste
Invite the chance back into your life
It’s time to invite all the chance back into your life
Invite the chance back into your life, life, life, life
In the mist of the night you faded away. Like a star you fell from…
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bad boy thats your name but tell me whats your game you caught me in…