Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Vampiria – Legend Of A Curse

Far away in time, in a lonely kingdom, lived an ancient cast who kept a


Treasure. Cenderus attends the kingdom gates, but some day he failed and the

curse escaped. Beware, they are free now. Beware, they are walking by your

side. Under the spell of “He”, the prince Nosferatu, they’ve got immortal

life a gift that is a curse, this curse was called… Vampiria.

Master of the night, slaves of blood, condemned to live, from dusk’till

dawn. Eternal existence, with a price paid in blood, far away from death,

but walking beside she. Beware they’re free now. Beware… you’re the chosen


Master, you promise me eternal life. I’m waiting… For you!.


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