I’ve opened your eyes but you still won’t see
Why a girl like you should want a boy like me
You can try but you’ll fail to derail my one track mind
I wasn’t raised to come on like this
Unsatisfied with your goodnight kissin’ – listen, I’ve been cool
But baby, it’s high time we went to school
Ooh – you talk too much – just give it a rest
After all this time, it doesn’t make much sense
That I gotta take your word we ain’t in no rush
One more night and a lame excuse
Ain’t gonna change my mind – no, it ain’t no use
I give you my love and I don’t get your magic touch
Ooh – you talk too much
Oil and water would be more right
The limits we have are like fire and ice
Your daddy must be so proud you draw that line
If I were a picture, then you’d be the neg
But know that I ain’t too prideful
To beg you on one bended knee
Küçüksün yavrum bilmezsin yavrum Dünyanın bin türli hali var Büyürsün bir gün, görürsün o gün…
Your evil eyes with your glass shaped prize You smell of smoke with your dirty…
Shame on the rain for making me twice as blue It's raining in my heart…
I stick loneliness, your lips and the two coins of your eyes into my pockets…
Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
Urfa Diyarbakır gezdim Hele hele yar yar 32 sancak saydım Hele hele yar yar Neslihan…