Look at me while I look at you
Seeing eye to eye we can never do
You try to tell me what is right
I may not know a lot but I know one thing
If you’ve got the answer
Then I don’t want to know
If you’ve got the answer
Just keep it your own
I wonder why our world is ablaze
Sometimes I speak aloud to hear what people have to say
I try to have an open mind
But your brain and mouth must not be connected
If you’ve got the answer
Then I don’t want to know
If you’ve got the answer
Just leave me alone
I would be patient but it takes so long
I don’t want all this misinformation
All the words that you say
Lean on me while I lean on you
If we destroy each other
We might save a life or two
A little sun, a little shine
Separates us both by forever and a day
If you’ve got a vision
Then I don’t want to see
If you’ve got a notion
Don’t waste it on me
Your evil eyes with your glass shaped prize You smell of smoke with your dirty…
Shame on the rain for making me twice as blue It's raining in my heart…
I stick loneliness, your lips and the two coins of your eyes into my pockets…
Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
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