I can never forget
The day we said goodbye
Holding your hands
A rainbow low in the sky
And all the colors there
To gather you up
And carry you up
All the colors there
To gather you up
Now, we’re left here
To get on with our things
Writing it down
And working with wood and strings
And all the colors there
To open us up
And bring us luck
All the colors there
To open us up
You went walking through that door
Leaving it ajar
Whenever things come to an end
It takes a while to close it again
And all the colors gently
Pushing it shut
And pushing it shut
All the colors there
To open us up
And bring us luck
All the colors there
To gather us up
To gather us up
To gather us up
To gather you up
Kelimelerden alacaklı bir sağır gibi İçimi döktüm bugün, yokluğunla konuştum Tutsak gibi, enkaz gibi, kendim…
People stretched out over kilometres of vinyl with lives to match. In fear, in love.…
Iğdırın al alması ay balam, Yemeye bal alması, Yar gelenden sonra, Yaremin sağalması, ölürem. Ölürem…
Hani ya sensiz severim demiştim Hani ya aşkını ona vermiştin Hani ya her şeyi haktan…
(Lanegan/Johnson) I see they're comin' Just tell me it ain't true How lonely sorrow, and…
Colder now then ever The rebel walks without you here Take my share of bleeding…