Damned, I crawled valleys silenced with death
Through the seas of carnage, over mountains of regret
Reaching solace only to behold barren wastes endless
Just when I needed you the most
You had forsaken me
To this kingdom of ghosts
Bleak are the skies above this ruin
I’ve found no solace in cathedrals fallen
I am so far from the light and warmth of Heaven
To the hell of myself
Alone I am damned
To weep for you
Now, above this vast ruin alone I stand
All light and hope has fled my kingdom and land
Betrayed by bride and brethren,
My heart bursts in your hands
Forlorn empires
My kingdoms damned
Forlorn empires
I am damned
Bows and flows of angel hair And ice cream castles in the air Feather cannons…
O güneşte almış tüm güzelliğini Kader öyle vurmuş yüzüne derin izleri Ben ondan ayrılamam ayrılık…
I don't know what I would do without you But I don't wanna think about…
I have been blind, unwilling To see the true love you're giving I have ignored…
He was brought up in a house of women In a city of heat that…
I been drifting along In the same stale shoes Loose ends tying a noose In…