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Gündüzüm gülyüzüm geceler seyrindeyim
Bu hayat böylemi geçecek
Sevdalar içinde yana yana
Buraya böylemi bitecek son adimda isik
somewhere in my mind i won't forget it's hard to erase the bad times from…
(A.Bell/V.Clarke) i don't suppose it's gonna do any good if i sit down and write…
Everywhere you look, you can write a book, On the trouble with a woman an'…
PİT10 şehrin önce iki kıtayı birleştirsin öyle gel 30 yıllık hayatında gördün mü böyle sen?…
In the state of your mind burning low And the fear you hide seems to…
Turn my back on no man's gun Likewise with anyone It's not so dangerous It's…