Hello Mr. Good Intentions
How are you today
Have you made some more
Promises that we’re bound
To break
You’ve been around such a
Long, long time, and it’s easy
To see what you’re doing to me,
It’s time to draw the line.
Go away Mr. Good Intentions
Living by the seat of your pants
What ever comes will go,
Your will and your actions
They change like the wind
Whichever way it blows.
You say we’re doing fine,
But look in the mirror
And you’ll see the pain that
Hides behind these eyes
Leave me alone Mr. Good Intentions
Goodbye Mr. Good Intentions I’ve
Sat on your fence too long,
Everything that you
Said has been hurting
My head, it’s
Time I moved along.
I’m sure I won’t miss
You at all, I’m tired of
Your lies get out of my life,
Farewell, adieu, so long.
Goodbye Mr. Good Intentions
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