Something picture perfect. Something cracking. Stress facture weeping.
Fading picture graying image visage clutching holding keeping. Something evil. Something pure.
This compulsion will be the very thing that kills me.
Keep in mind the hours I keep. Six feet for sure every night. Two hours at best – if you’d call it “best”.
My mind racing. My feet pacing. Leave me be. Stop tormenting me. I’m comming down.
Something picture perfect. Something cracking. I’m comming down.
This here's the story about Killer Joe He's a real bad cat, 'forget I told…
We've been through so much We've stayed in close touch Seems like we've always been…
Sen gideli buralardan Yakar beni hatıralar Simsicak bir yorgan gibi Sarar beni hatiralar Yalnizliktan suskun…
O holy night The stars are brightly shining It is the night Of the Dear…
I let down my guard And let you slay me I showed you my heart…
I will confess to you Because you made me think about the times You turn…