Something picture perfect. Something cracking. Stress facture weeping.
Fading picture graying image visage clutching holding keeping. Something evil. Something pure.
This compulsion will be the very thing that kills me.
Keep in mind the hours I keep. Six feet for sure every night. Two hours at best – if you’d call it “best”.
My mind racing. My feet pacing. Leave me be. Stop tormenting me. I’m comming down.
Something picture perfect. Something cracking. I’m comming down.
Bows and flows of angel hair And ice cream castles in the air Feather cannons…
O güneşte almış tüm güzelliğini Kader öyle vurmuş yüzüne derin izleri Ben ondan ayrılamam ayrılık…
I don't know what I would do without you But I don't wanna think about…
I have been blind, unwilling To see the true love you're giving I have ignored…
He was brought up in a house of women In a city of heat that…
I been drifting along In the same stale shoes Loose ends tying a noose In…