I was walking along, minding my business,
When out of the orange colored sky,
Flash, bam, alacazam, Wonderful you came by.
I was humming a tune, drinking in sunshine,
When out of that orange colored view
Wham, bam, alacazam, I got a look at you.
One look and I yelled timber
Watch out for flying glass.
Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out
I went into a spin and I started to shout
I’ve been hit, This is it, this is it, this is it.
I was walking along minding my business
When love came and hit me in the eye
Flash, bam, alacazam,
Out of the orange colored sky
Well, one look and I yelled timber
Watch out for flying glass.
Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out
I went into a spin and I started to shout
I’ve been hit, This is it, this is it, this is it.
I was walking along minding my business
When love came and hit me in the eye
Flash, bam, alacazam,
Out of the orange colored, purple stripes,
Pretty green polka-dot sky
Flash, bam, alacazam,
Went the sky
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