You’re playing tug of war with your tongue
You’re playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun
I don’t think you realize
We have no time to waste
Do you even understand?
We’re going over the same old things
You take and you take, will you ever give?
It’s been the same for so long
Same old song just tagging along
Don’t think you’re getting the best of what I got
You’ve got it coming one day, maybe, maybe not
The outcome will show in the end
I never called you a friend
Said what you said
More than enough
I don’t have the time
The going is getting tough
In the mist of the night you faded away. Like a star you fell from…
Konuşsana bir tanem Neden hep susuyorsun? Susmak neyi halleder? Neden anlatmıyorsun? Konuşsana bir tanem Neden…
İndim çaya uğradım Çay odunu doğradım İndim çaya uğradım Çay odunu doğradım Sevda üstüne sevda…
While we float on this molten sea we wear our colours so heroically Were only…
Ağasarın balını da gel salını salını Adam cebinde taşır senin gibi gelini Uy asiye asiye…
bad boy thats your name but tell me whats your game you caught me in…