So so so, so ein schöner tag
Genau wie ich es mag
Und du hast es gesagt
Dass dein schein hervorragt
Und ich schreib dir ein gedicht
Es bringt nur glück für dich
Angesicht zu angesicht
Sag ich dir
Do you really want to waste my time Cuse if you do, I've got nothing…
Don't care none for temptation It's like the good lord jesus said Lock horns with…
mochiagete, tokihanashite mochiagete, tokihanashite mochiagete, tokihanashite mochiagete, tokihanashite
Bellisle B-B-Bellisle Bell-Bellisle Bell-Bell-Bellisle Hey Kid Rock, tell 'em how your livin Man i spend…
Can you hear me? Are you there? I need a friend to lend an ear…
1. ' told me baby, You were just too tired to try, There was nothing…