Don’t care none for temptation
It’s like the good lord jesus said
Lock horns with the devil himself and
You’ll end up in his bed
And where there are no shadows
No demons can ever exist
Would you throw this all away
For the sake of a wanton kiss?
There must be more than this
There must be more than this
I know you think you walk on water,
But have you ever walked on air?
Cast no aspertion, this ain’t no desertion,
This is just calling it fair
And when temptation takes a hold of you,
How can you ever resist?
Would you throw this all away for the flick
Of a perfumed wrist?
Judge not lest ye be judged, let
He who has no sin throw the first stone
Shower me with flowers, place them on my grave
Give me the grace for the sins I atone
I don’t know the difference ‘tween rigt and wrong, I
Don’t understand the sense of regret and virtue
I want you to know ı never meant to cause you harm
I’m sorry but I never meant yo hurt you
Bows and flows of angel hair And ice cream castles in the air Feather cannons…
O güneşte almış tüm güzelliğini Kader öyle vurmuş yüzüne derin izleri Ben ondan ayrılamam ayrılık…
I don't know what I would do without you But I don't wanna think about…
I have been blind, unwilling To see the true love you're giving I have ignored…
He was brought up in a house of women In a city of heat that…
I been drifting along In the same stale shoes Loose ends tying a noose In…