What’ll I tell him
When he comes to me for absolution
Wouldn’t you know it
Hope I don’t make a bad decision
‘Cos I’d like to believe
That there is a god
Why sinful angels
Suffer for love
I’d like to believe
In the terrible truth
In the beautiful lie
Like to know you
But in this town I can’t get arrested
If you know me
Why don’t you tell me what I’m thinking
Hey don’t look now
But there goes God
In his sexy pants
And his sausage dog
And he can’t stand
‘Cos he looks so good in black, in black
What child is this who laid to rest On Mary's lap is sleeping Whom angels…
Simdi zaman nedense boyle Bir oyle bir de boyle Hem yazi hem tura olmaz Ya…
Nature will step on you, nature will eat you up, Jesu...Jesu Nature don't care for…
Sittin' over here Starin' in your face With lust in my eyes Sure don't give…
Radney Foster vocals/acoustic guitar Jay Joyce guitar Rami Jaffee keyboards Bob Glaub bass Chad Cromwell…
Show this, stressful, everybody wanna call, Gotta tell em naw, sometimes Sit up in the…