you’ve changed
that sparkle in your eyes has gone
your smile is just a careless yawn
you’re breaking my heart, you’ve changed
you’ve changed
your kisses are now so blase
you’re bored with me in every way
I can’t understand you’ve changed
you’ve forgotten the word I love you
each memory that we’ve shared
you ignore every star above you
I can’t realise you ever cared
you’ve changed
you’re not the angel I once knew
no need to tell me that we’re through
it’s all over now, you’ve changed
you’ve forgotten the word I love you
each memory that we’ve shared
you ignore every star above you
I can’t realise you ever cared
you’ve changed
you’re not the anges I once knew
no need to tell me that we’re through
it’s all over now, you’ve changed
I miss you
(Bill Carey/Carl Fischer)
You tried to control everything You tried to live through me You tied my hands…
Like a flag at half mast as frames click fast Not a thing will last…
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