I always used to be afraid
That I was going to lose my way
I never used to walk in line but stray
I never thought I’d see it through
That I could deal with losing you
But suddenly I see the light of day
Leading me in
rom out of the night
Staying on course – I’m still alive
I had to confess I never thought I would ever survive
I was lost and found
I had run aground
I was lost but now I’m found
Focused on my altered state
I would just disorientate
Suffering alone amongst the crowd
Drifting on a sea of doubt
And no-one ever heard me shout
That I was lost and couldn’t find my way
No-one at hand
Having no plan
I stumbled through a barren land
After so long
Of going wrong
I found the road
I was lost and found
I had hit the ground
I was lost but now I found
That I don’t need no-one
To survive
You’ve got to believe alone
You’ll rise
Starting to run
Shedding the load
Now I can see I’m close to home
After so long
Of going wrong
I found the road
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