I’m not what you think I am
I’m anything but the picture you’ve taken
If I decide to touch the sky
Don’t bring me down
It’s hard enough
I recognize
In your voice, in your eyes
Something’s out there waiting
Someone out there knows the score
All I ever really wanted was to fly
I’m pissed off with gravity
Won’t you let me go?
I need to fly
And I’d like to know
Do you believe?
Will you believe?
Did you ever believe in me?
I’m not what you think I am
You can’t define me
You won’t confine me
Just for some peace of mind
You’d break me
Everything is everything
There’s no telling
No right way to go
Getting to the promise we hold in ourselves
It’s never easy going ’round
Or getting over
I must thank Lord In my hour of need I?ve given way to a better…
We gonna do something different yall on this song because/Me and my mama was watching…
Menekşe gözler hülyalı, Bakışları çok manâlı. Gönül yakıcı o gözler Meğer ezelden sevdalı. Gel etme…
Your cheatin' heart will make you weep you'll cry and cry you'll try to sleep…
Ne çıkar bahtımızda ayrılık varsa yarın; Sanma ki hikayesi şu titreyen dalların, Düşen yaprakla biter;…
Enter the room softly with hidden wings Saying you talk strange things I don't understand…