Your blue door, that I walked through before
First Sunday kiss – I could not resist
Well have you come to tell the truth
Are you tired of roaming too
Would you go around with me
Would you take me out at two or three
Would you lie to me with the cheapest form of flattery
Surprise me and read between my lines
Three shades of red when I heard what you said
White knuckle road I’m going down
Would you go around with me
Would you take me out at two or three
Would you lie to me with the cheapest form of flattery
Surprise me and read between my lines
Your blue door it won’t let them in anymore
And wind blowing through your screen
The candle’s burning clean
I’m not green
Would you go around with me
Would you take me out at two or three
Would you lie to me with the cheapest form of flattery
Surprise me and read between my lines
Your blue door that I walk through once more
Your red ripe fruit – all hell breaks loose
Would you go around with me
Would you take me out at two or three
Would you lie to me with the cheapest form of flattery
Surprise me and read between my lines
Backslide take a dive 2 the right side And were hellbent downsouth where our summer's…
Bir dilin bütün sözcüklerini kullansam seni tarif Edemeyeceğimi biliyorum. ulaşılmaz oldun hep; dokunmak Hissetmek ve…
Yare haber saldım, döner gelir diye Sabanımla tarlaya ismini kazdım Toprak toprak oy Yarılmış tabanlarım…
Yarası var yarası var kendi gitti le le lelele yarası var gözleri ok sözü hançer…
I've been so alone for so long Forgotten by the world Forgotten to myself Your…
They don't have words To say how blue I'm feelin' This ol' world can lift…