A rollin’ stone gathers no moss
A rollin’ stone gathers no moss
And as far as I can see I guess I was meant to be
Just a rollin’ stone
A rollin’ stone gathers no moss
And a rollin’ stone hasn’t a boss
Just like a spring or a summer breeze I can roll just where I please
I’m just a rollin’ stone
Can’t lose my way, all directions are the same when I’m travelin’
I got no home sweet home
Just keep boppin’, never stoppin’, couldn’t even if I wanted to
I’ve got to roam and roam
A rollin’ stone gathers no moss
A rollin’ stone’s just like that coin that you tossed
But I don’t need level ground; I can roll uphill or down
I’m just a rollin’ stone
When I’m travelin’ all directions are the same
A string unravelin’; I don’t think that I’m to blame
Now some might think my life’s a loss
A rollin’ stone never gets lost
So I’ll just keep playin’ it straight till I roll right through that gate
I’m just a rollin’ stone
A rollin’ stone….a rollin’ stone….
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